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Titulo original: Revenge
Año Producción: 2017
Nacionalidad: Francia
Duración: 108 Minutos
Calificación: No recomendada para menores de 18 años
Género: Thriller, Acción
Director: Coralie Fargeat
Guión: Coralie Fargeat
Fotografía: Robrecht Heyvaert
Música: Robin Coudert
España: 24 Agosto 2018
A Contracorriente Films


Tres adinerados ejecutivos se reúnen para una partida de caza en la que se despejan del trabajo y la rutina diaria. Uno de ellos, Richard, llega con su amante la cual despierta el interés y el deseo sexual en los otros, lo que hace que todo se descontrole y la chica acabe siendo violada por uno de ellos por lo que Richard decide matarla para que no los denuncie...




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Festivales y premiosPREMIOS Y FESTIVALES

- Festival de Sitges 2017: Mejor director novel
- Festival de Toronto 2017

Informacion exclusivaINFORMACIÓN EXCLUSIVA

   REVENGE is the story of the sloughing of a woman.
A young, frivolous and naïve Lolita, subject to men’s desires and which men only see as a sexual object. An object which has to satisfy THEIR desire. Even if it means dying.
  Even though she doesn’t die physically, the character dies symbolically. Physically wounded, this sweet and inconsequential doll will be reborn as a harsh, beastly and unforgiving woman.
  One that no one nor anyone can manipulate or abuse.
At first weak and superficial, the character blooms into a wounded but strong woman who, by drawing up her revenge, will end up taking control over her life again.
  On a different level, it’s really about symbolizing the sloughing of a certain way women are represented in films: too often viewed as a foil or a sexual object which one undresses or belittles, the film plays at the beginning with this representation which it pushes to its fullest in order to switch it brutally the other way round. The character thus becomes THE strong figure of the film, a female super hero and the driving force of the action.
  This sloughing is deliberately radical. I want it to be as powerful as it is unpredictable. A new character is reborn on this branch. A skin which she takes off and which she leaves behind.
  Molded around the myth of the Phoenix – which rises from the ashes and controls fire more and more at each resurrection - Jen wakes up transformed and possessed by a new strength. As if she had fed off the violence which had struck down against her in able to find a new incarnation.
  The highly uncluttered narrative thread aims to shed light on the symbolic and initiatory dimension of the film which will be powerfully conveyed by its staging.
  For it is indeed the staging of the story which is at the very core of REVENGE’s narrative. A staging which will submerge the spectator into a harsh, carnal, highly sensory, hostile and violent world.
  The film is therefore staged in a non realistic way. Pure genre which instills an atmosphere which makes you feel, a world which multiplies sensations, a total immersion into a sensory whirlwind caught between phantasmagoria and reality.
  As the story moves forward, the dialogues become more and more scarce until disappearing completely, simply replaced by sound, images and sensations.
  Music is the keystone of this hellish experience which grows more and more harsh and hostile. A repetitive and hypnotic score strongly tainted with electro which progressively puts one in a trance like those of John Carpenter, Etienne Jaumet or Thomas Banglater.
  My film references span from Sailor and Lula to Drive, Under The Skin and the films of David Cronenberg. True carnal and diehard genre filmmaking in which violence and dreams co-exist and where the strength of symbols literally explodes.
  Until now, this type of filmmaking has been made practically exclusively by men. REVENGE is my vision of a female director on the genre.
To explore the genre is not a position or a statement. It’s my kind of film. The kind of film which has nurtured and built my life as a film buff and then as a filmmaker. I see in it the possibility of evocative power, of sensations, of fears and frights. A truly philosophical dimension which passes through a highly symbolic, playful and sensory media.
  REVENGE can finally be perceived as the sloughing of a certain way genre films are embodied... 

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