Banda sonora completa
Compositor: Tobe Hooper, Wayne Bell
Estreno: 5 Mayo 1976
Toda la información de la película la encuentras AQUÍ.
1. Main Title
2. Warnings Medley (Joe Bill’s Cemetery Warning) Gas Station Sun
3. Cuts Medley (Feedlot)Hitchhiker’s Razor
4. Outside Grandpa’s (The Mark)
5. Inside Grandpa’s (Bones)
6. Menace Medley (What Kirk and Pam Don’t Know) [Pam’s Foreboding] Leatherface Slams the Door
7. Jerry X (Leatherface Worries)
8. Trouble Moon
9. Distant Disturbance (Sketch 1)
10. Closer Problem (Sketch 2)