Banda sonora completa
Compositor: Oliver Wallace
Estreno: 21 Diciembre 1954
Toda la información de la película la encuentras AQUÍ.
1. Main Title (The Second Star to the Right) - All This Has Happened Before
2. The Last Night in the Nursery
3. On The Rooftop _ What's a Kiss _ Perturbed Pixie
4. You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!
5. A Pirate's Life
6. Blast That Peter Pan - A Pirate's Life (Reprise)
7. The Legend of the Croc - Double the Powder and Shorten the Fuse - Follow Tinker Bell
8. Just When I Brought You a Mother - Banished
9. Following the Leader
10. Hide and Sneak - No Let 'Em Go